About Us
Life at Evosyz
For a seamless future
Presenting a product for your society
3X Business in 2 financial years
2/3 Banking hours savings for your society
Society branding with each and every customer household through Debit Cards and Phone App
Get 10x increase of Trust in customer mindset!
Benefit to customer
Society customer enjoys new generation banking
Debit Card (Just-in-time prepaid card)
Just-in-time prepaid debit card, no wallet loading.
Complete control of money by the Society.
No need of setting limits or wallet money with sponsor bank.
Only float mone required.
Society Branded Card
Debit card is stored in customer's purse/holder with society logo
Customer can identify the brand by showing society debit card to friends / family.
24x7 money withdrawal through any bank ATMs
Insurance for debit card holder
Free accidental insurance free worth 1,00,000 to all card holders.
Cash less medical insurance worth 1,00,000/- on payment of nominal monthly amount.
Your Society becomes the First society to operate cashless insurance in the Region.
Society can onboard nearby good hospitals for insurance and add value to Society customes.
Increase customer traction for your Society and for the Hospital.
CSR activity by society in giving Cashless insurance to all its members across rural areas.
Mobile App
Customer can check balance - money feel safe feeling.
No need to come to bank for withdrawal / deposit.
24x7 Banking
First of its kind society that never close and works 24x7 for customer online.
Scan & Pay
Scan and pay features for customers through mobile app.
Society mobile app substitutes GPAY
Customer can pay utlility bills.
Society Banking Easy
Reduction of work load
Pigmy App with Real Time Reconciliation
Real time Customer account credit with Pigmy App
Real time Print receipts / SMS to customers.
Realtime Data Updation
All transaction across all branches are recorded realtime.
Realtime generation of balance sheet.
Realtime branch advance posting and transfer of funds across branches, customers, banks etc.
Realtime Payments
Directly connected to NPCI network through sponsor bank.
Realtime inward and outward fund movement through CBS.
No need of dependency on cheque or on any other sponser bank window.
Core Banking Software
Connecting realtime across all branches.
Consolidated or individual branchwise product / Accounts view.
Customer can operate their bank account from any branch.
Benefits of Core Banking Software
Increase transparency.
MD / CEO / GM Single touch view to know Branch wise and Society performance.
Branch Dashboard Analysis.
Customer Dashboard Analysis.
Revenue to Bank
3x Revenue increase in 2 FY
QR Code
Increase deposits and Collection from Merchants real-time. Eg: 1000 Merchants onboarded. Min 2,00,000 X 1000 = 20 Cr Float Money Increase.
Can give transaction based loans.
Auto deduct loans from income / transaction of QR Code.
Loans extended to Auto / Taxi’s easily.
Smart Loan
Loans disbursed to saving account.
Customer can withdraw using debit card or mobile banking.
Hence, bank will have float money in savings account since customer withdraws money as per their needs.
Statistics says 20% of Loan amount always remains as float when given via savings account.
Trust from Customer
Money safe through Mobile APP
Debit card + Mobile Banking = Anytime Banking
Get the trust and recognition you deserve
Society gets bank like feeling before public.
Society product like FD, RD, Loans etc. are displayed to customers.
Current Account & Salary Account
Can onboard current accounts and provide debit card and transfer facilities through mobile banking.
Onboard Salary accounts and enable salary transfers across rural areas.
Customer Money Safe
NPCI & RBI approved CBS for customer money safety.
Encrypted software - data only viewed by the society.